Author: Cam Houser

  • Minimum Viable Video on NPR

    Minimum Viable Video on NPR

    ​It was a joy to share stories and learnings from Minimum Viable Video, Actionworks’ flagship course, on such a big stage. Doug Wells and I talk about: how learning video changes the lives of entrepreneurs and knowledge workers cohort-based courses and David Perell’s Write of Passage reverse networking teaching entrepreneurship in Bogotá​ ​Listen here.

  • How Marina went from English teacher to millionaire startup founder

    How Marina went from English teacher to millionaire startup founder

    ​She’s a Youtube star and startup entrepreneur who runs three channels that span 5 million subscribers.​ We had a delightful conversation. She’s one of those people who really nails the balance of extreme warmth and impressive ambition. It was a joy to learn from her. I like interviewing people to dig down at the earliest […]

  • How to prevent Zoom fatigue: 4 tips from Stanford researchers and 1 thing they got wrong

    How to prevent Zoom fatigue: 4 tips from Stanford researchers and 1 thing they got wrong

    Stanford professor Jeremy Bailenson led a large-scale study and found ways how we can finally prevent the dreaded Zoom fatigue. Let’s dive in. 1. Shrink your Zoom screen When you’re having a conversation on Zoom with one person or many, our brains process it as direct eye contact. The way you see faces on Zoom, […]

  • How you can be in multiple places at once (yes, really!)

    How you can be in multiple places at once (yes, really!)

    It’s a cruel irony that technology allows you to duplicate items on your to do list with a mouse click. So simple, so easy. But it doesn’t allow you—the actual doer of the work—to clone yourself. (We can clone sheep though, so there’s that. Sheep underperform on all productivity metrics, though, except when it comes […]

  • Get the job: No one likes reading resumes. But everyone loves watching videos.

    Get the job: No one likes reading resumes. But everyone loves watching videos.

    Hiring managers read resumes because they have to. They watch videos because they want to.

  • Reflecting on the first cohort of Minimum Viable Video: Results, Takeaways, and Plans for the Sequel

    Reflecting on the first cohort of Minimum Viable Video: Results, Takeaways, and Plans for the Sequel

    The first cohort of Minimum Viable Video (“MVV”) ended with a Virtual Film Festival of our students on December 17, 2020.  It was the culmination of five weeks of learning, experimenting, and creating for our 20 students. In such a short time, they made a huge leap in their video skills. As they streamed their videos to […]

  • How to Get Comfortable on Camera, Part 2

    How to Get Comfortable on Camera, Part 2

    Smiling and the rubber band effect In part 1, we covered a practice technique called the “Hello Video”. In part 2, we’ll address how to project warmth and connect with your audience. “Could you smile a little more?” said my colleague, Madeline. “I am smiling,” I said, through gritted teeth. I was smiling in my […]

  • The Building a Second Brain and Write of Passage Student’s Guide to Creating Video

    You have a head start If you have taken the Write of Passage (WOP) or Building a Second Brain (BASB) courses, you already have a head start for creating video. In this piece, I’m going to show you why and what to do next.   (Haven’t taken either of these courses? First off, take them. They […]

  • How to Get Comfortable on Camera, Part 1

    How to Get Comfortable on Camera, Part 1

    From awkward to awesome Thanks to the world imploding in 2020, we’re all on video far more than we ever anticipated. In this 4 part series, we’ll give hands-on strategies and tips for making you camera-ready. Nailed it! Or so I thought. I had remembered my lines (most of them) and looked at the camera […]

  • Human Connection in the Zoom Era

    Human Connection in the Zoom Era

    The people who say online conferences will never replace in-person conferences sound like the people who said no one would ever meet the love of their life online.  Technically, they are right—online conferences won’t replace in-person conferences. Online conferences will evolve into distinct, superior experiences. And it will happen within a year if it hasn’t […]